Dear friend,Congratulations! You are now a member of one of the world’s biggest anti-death penalty organizations! OK, that’s an exaggeration, but perhaps only for a while. I’m writing to share with you the news that the board of directors of Ohioans to Stop Executions just made a small but very significant change in the By-Laws of our organization. After much consideration, the board eliminated language requiring the payment of membership dues and replaced it with this: i. “All people who communicate to the organization, its staff, or its board members that they oppose the death penalty shall be considered members of the organization.” With this change, the thousands of Ohioans who have taken action with OTSE or who have signed up through our communications channels are now OTSE members, without having to make a new or additional donation to the organization. And the millions of Ohioans who know they oppose the death penalty can now become members of Ohioans to Stop Executions simply by registering with us. This is critically important news. As we prepare to advocate for legislation to implement the recommendations of the Supreme Court Task Force on the Administration of Ohio’s Death Penalty, our membership numbers matter more than ever before. More members means OTSE can put greater pressure on policy makers, and that means more power in the halls of the statehouse. Today I ask for your help to spread this message and help OTSE grow larger and stronger. Please share the following message via e-mail, on Facebook or Twitter, or in any other way you communicate with friends, family and colleagues:
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Membership is FREE to all who oppose Ohio’s #DeathPenalty. Register now with Ohioans to Stop Executions! I am excited to work with you to make the most of opportunities we have in Ohio to limit and eventually end executions in our state. Thank you.
PS: There’s even more good news! Two of your fellow OTSE members are supporting the work by matching the next $10,000 donated by individual members and supporting organizations. Click here to double your dollars today! PPS: To all those who have dutifully paid their membership dues over the years, OTSE salutes you. We continue to urge all members to generously invest in the work to end executions in Ohio. |