OTSE is working to shed light on the long-standing issues with Ohio’s death penalty system, including racial and geographic disparity, innocence, and the impact on murder victims’ family members.

Committed to Change

OTSE believes that Ohio’s death penalty cannot be made to be perfect. As long as it is a system run by people, mistakes will be made despite well-meaning intentions. If Ohio is to have a death penalty, it must be administered fairly, accurately and in a manner which is most beneficial to the victims’ families and the community at large.

OTSE is working to broaden the dialogue on the usefulness and effectiveness of Ohio’s death penalty system. We focus on this area because we are deeply troubled by the negative impact the death penalty system has on the families of murder victims.

OTSE is advocating for the recommendations made by the Ohio Supreme Court Joint Death Penalty Task Force. We seek to have the full scope of the recommendations adopted by the Commission on the Rules of Practice & Procedure. We also seek to work with our state leaders to enact the recommendations into law.

OTSE is partnering with secular and faith-based organizations, members of the law enforcement community, conservatives, progressives and citizens to bring about the reforms recommended by the Task Force. Although these recommendations will not root out all the problems with Ohio’s death penalty system, by adopting these recommendations Ohio can have much more confidence that its ultimate penalty is not arbitrary, biased and wasting precious county and state resources.

You can get involved with our efforts and campaigns today!

  • Click here for information about the Faith Leader Initiative.
  • Click here to be part of our media responders.
  • Click here for information about upcoming events in your community.
  • Click here to invite OTSE to come and talk with your organization or community about the death penalty.

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