Dear OTSE Supporter,

We haven't sent many e-mails to you this month, but we’ve been busy. Mostly, we’ve been working behind the scenes on some things you will hear about very soon!

I wanted to make sure you know about some opportunities to hear several terrific speakers tomorrow night (Feb 26th). While we're not the hosts of these events, we are helping get the word out– andthese are all speakers who OTSE has hosted and will host again. Check the links below for details:

Holy Family Church in Stow (near Akron) from 6pm to 9pm, Judges John Russo and Michael Donnelly will speak about their experiences on the Supreme Court Joint Task Force on the Administration of Ohio’s Death Penalty. Judge Donnelly has warned audience members that after the event, they may leave "justifiably alarmed."
University of Dayton from 7pm to 9pm, Sister Helen Prejean, author of Dead Man Walking, will take you on her ongoing journey. She is in town to attend performances of the Dead Man Walking Opera at the Schuster Center Friday and Sunday nights. Bill Manley, son of former OTSE Board Member Michael Manley, is a violinist with the production and offers a limited number of free vouchers for OTSE members who cannot afford tickets. E-mail if interested.


AND if it is too far to go or too cold to get out, you no longer need to leave home to hear great speakers! Here is a teaser video for the full length videos we have of some of the speakers on our Voices of Experience panels:

As we add more videos to our YouTube channel, we'll send them your way. Please help us spread the word by sharing our videos with friends and family!

I also want to remind you to follow us on Twitter or check our web page and Facebook for updates and useful information posted several times a week. My favorite post this week is the new interview with Ohio’s most recently released death row survivors, Ricky Jackson, Wiley Bridgeman and Kwame Ajamu.

We here at OTSE wish you warmer days soon. Thank you for your ongoing support.


Kevin Werner

Executive Director

PS: As you know, there are no executions scheduled in 2015. Your support now helps OTSE build momentum in 2015 to pass reforms that will slow down new death sentences and eventually end executions in Ohio forever. Please click here to make a one-time gift, and here to join the OTSE Sustainer program.