Dear friend,

Now that Ohioans to Stop Executions has moved its office from Cincinnati to Columbus, it’s time to starting making our vision of a death penalty-free Ohio a reality. We need you with us every step of the way.

Moving our office within a couple blocks of the Statehouse was an important step in our plans. Another important step is to invite you to come and hear exactly how we’re moving Ohio forward, when, and most important–how you can help!

Please join us on Saturday, November 8 at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Columbus for a central Ohio regional meeting. We’ll discuss the status of the death penalty, explain important components of our strategy to move forward and let you know about the opportunities and needs we have for volunteers.

We’ll begin at 12:00 noon with a “bring your own lunch” followed by the meeting from 1-3 pm.

Following our meeting, we’ll join with a broader coalition holding an indoor rally at 4 pm at First Unitarian Universalist Church of Columbus covering a variety of social justice issues, including the death penalty. We want to have plenty of OTSE members on hand to support Terry Collins, former Director of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction, who will speak about ending the death penalty for defendants with severe mental illness.

Please take a moment to let us know if your plans. I look forward to seeing you on November 8!

Can you join us in Columbus on Nov. 8th?  


Can you volunteer your time at our downtown Columbus offices?  



Kevin Werner

Executive Director

PS: In case you’ve missed the good news, two of your fellow OTSE members are supporting the work and making events like this possible by matching the next $10,000 donated by individual members and supporting organizations. Click here to double your dollars today!