Dear Friend,

2015 is the year that all of us will reform Ohio’s death penalty by chipping it away.

Your Ohioans to Stop Executions staff is working diligently behind the scenes with legislators, coalition partners, and allies to prepare legislation to implement Task Force Recommendations; our Faith Leader Initiative, is building power in faith communities across the state; and OTSE is side-by-side with litigators to stave off executions by challenging the new secret execution protocols in Ohio and bringing other lethal injection challenges to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Together, OTSE can’t be stopped. And with your help, we’ll be even stronger. To thank the OTSE members that are supporting this year’s efforts, we’ll be sending a free gift to every donor. Everyone gets a bumper sticker, and while they last, we’ve got your choice of several books when you support OTSE at the level of $100 or more. This exciting campaign is only available to the next 50 donors who give over $100 or become OTSE monthly Sustainers at $10 or more.

Following your contribution, OTSE staff will contact you regarding which of the following gifts you'd most like to receive:

Dead Man Walking Sister Helen Prejean
Here Sister Helen confronts both the plight of the condemned and the rage of the bereaved, the fears of a society shattered by violence and the Christian imperative of love.
The Death of Innocents
Sister Helen Prejean
What if we’re executing innocent men? Prejean brilliantly dismantles the legal and religious arguments that have been used to justify the death penalty.
Guilty by Popular Demand
Bill Osinsky
The townsfolk of Logan, Ohio, cheered as an innocent man was convicted and sent to death row. What really happened on that bitter cold day in January 1984 was the total collapse of the local criminal justice system.
No Winners Here Tonight
Andrew Welsh-Huggins
No Winners Here Tonight explores the history of the death penalty and the question of its fairness through the experience of a single state, Ohio, which, has long had one of the country’s most active death chambers.


I can’t emphasize enough how important your support will be to continue building momentum in 2015. As always, if you have any questions about OTSE and our campaign to stop executions in Ohio, don’t hesitate to reach out to me. Click here to make a one-time gift, and here to join the OTSE Sustainer program.

Kevin Werner
Executive Director
PS – Take advantage of this opportunity to support the fight against Ohio’s death penalty by making a contribution of $100 or more today and receive a free gift from OTSE!