The US Supreme Court today declined to consider an Ohio Supreme Court ruling to allow a second attempt at executing a man who spent two hours enduring at least 18 needle jabs in a botched 2009 execution attempt, Ohioans to Stop Executions has updated its petition calling on Governor Kasich…
The U.S. Supreme Court declined Monday to hear a challenge from a death row inmate who argued that because the state botched its first attempt to execute him, trying again would be unconstitutional.
The blanket secrecy surrounding Ohio executions makes it impossible for Ohioans to know whether the state is overpaying for drugs and who is benefiting, or whether Ohio's constitutional ban on cruelty is being traduced in their names.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 9, 2016 Contact: Amanda Hoyt, 614-483-3168, Faith Organizations Call on Governor to Show Grace and Grant Clemency Columbus, OH – On Friday, December 9th, the […]