OTSE Press Release – Former Ohio AG Jim Petro and conservative experts to discuss Death Penalty reforms “we can agree on”

Contact: Jon Benedict
Ph: 216.409.6160

Cincinnati, OH – Former Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro and his wife Nancy Petro, co-authors of False Justice: Eight Myths that Convict the Innocent, will speak with other well-known Conservatives at an upcoming forum on proposed reforms to Ohio’s death penalty laws. The forum will take place at Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church on Saturday, Sept. 20 at 2:00 PM.

Mr. & Mrs. Petro will be joined by Sen. Bill Seitz, Terry Collins, former director of the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections, and Kevin Werner, executive director of Ohioans to Stop Executions.

  • Advance interviews with Mr. Petro or other panelists may be arranged by contacting Jon Benedict at 216.409.6160 or media@otse.org.

The forum will focus on proposed reforms to Ohio’s death penalty law and policies recently recommended by the Ohio Supreme Court’s Joint Task Force on the Administration of Ohio’s Death Penalty. The 56 recommendations made by the Task Force are intended to increase fairness and accuracy in capital prosecutions.

Ohioans to Stop Executions created a searchable on-line database of all 56 recommendations on its web site at www.OTSE.org

Saturday, September 20, at 2:00 P.M.

Former Ohio Attorney General Jim Petro & Nancy Petro

State Senator Bill Seitz, OH District 8
Terry Collins, Former Director of the Ohio Dept. of Rehabilitation & Corrections
Kevin Werner, Executive Director of Ohioans to Stop Executions

Mount Auburn Presbyterian Church
103 Wm. H. Taft Road, Cincinnati, OH 45219

